
Last Updated:

Welcome to my /now page! This is some of the stuff I am into right now.


Personal Website

I have taken some time to work on this website recently. Added the Fediring, this now page, etc.

Leather Knife Sheath

My brother’s birthday was recently and I made him a leather sheath for his birthday. It was a really fun project and definitely has me wanting to do more leatherworking soon.

Nonogram Editor

I am still plugging away at writing a Nonogram editor using Bevy. I am working on getting rendering working still, so early times. Looking forward to working on it more.


I have been trying to pick up my Classical again, trying out Bouree in E minor by Bach.

I jammed a bunch at Bluegrass First Class festival in Asheville, NC. Picked up a bunch of songs I want to play more:

Listening to kinda the same old stuff, looking for new music always but in a rut.

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